COATES ENGINEERING STEEL FABRICATORS & GENERAL ENGINEERs 56a Balloo Road, Bangor, Co. Down, BT19 7PG Tel: 028 9127 4762 Fax: 028 9147 0652 |
Coates Engineering is open to the public and will facilitate were possible every customer should it only be repairs to house hold items. Work such as repairs, drilling, tapping, burning. Welding can be carried out on all types of material for example mild steel, cast iron, aluminum and stainless steel. All work can all be completed in our workshop or if necessary site work can be carried out by our experienced site operatives.
Please see examples of our work below
COATES ENGINEERING STEEL FABRICATORS & GENERAL ENGINEERS 56a Balloo Road, Bangor, Co. Down, BT19 7PG | Tel: 028 9127 4762 | Fax: 028 9147 0652 | Email: |