COATES ENGINEERING STEEL FABRICATORS & GENERAL ENGINEERS 56a Balloo Road, Bangor, Co. Down, BT19 7PG Tel: 028 9127 4762 Fax: 028 9147 0652 |
sheet metal work
Engineering pride themselves on workmanship with some staff having over
30 years experience in sheet metal fabrication. A variety of items
involving sheet metal have been made including: Design and fabrication of
Repairs can also be carried out on items which require welding of all material types for example on exhaust systems (Mild steel and Stainless Steel), tanks (leak tested), wheels, flues and ducting. Coates Engineering stock a wide range of sheet metal in various thicknesses:- mild steel plate, galvanised steel sheet, plain aluminum, plain stainless steel, patterned stainless steel, aluminium chequer plate, steel durbar plate/ chequer and various sizes of mesh/ expanded metal.
COATES ENGINEERING STEEL FABRICATORS & GENERAL ENGINEERS 56a Balloo Road, Bangor, Co. Down, BT19 7PG | Tel: 028 9127 4762 | Fax: 028 9147 0652 | Email: |